Hookup-Connection Is A CraigsList Dating Scam From “Gloria Rose”

Hookup-Connection is a scam being emailed by “Gloria Rose”. The truth is that “Gloria” is not a real person, she is a fabricated girl that has nothing to do with this scam. The images used are stolen from amateur porn sites then used with the emails to make it appear as if you are corresponding with a girl named “Gloria Rose”, but it’s all lies. What is this scam all about? Well in order for you to meet “Gloria” in person you will need verify you are not a criminal etc. You prove this by entering your credit card info on a site called Rawid.net which is connected with Hookup-Connection. What happens after you submit your credit card info is that you end up getting charges to 3 porn sites, that are listed below. If you want to meet real girls, then look here. Read the full scam report below.

Quick Info On The Scammer

  • Name: Gloria Rose, Ria G James
  • Email Addresses: gloriadrose@hookup-connection.com, riagjames@hookup-connection.com
  • Scam Site: Hookup-Connection.com which loads a form from Rawid.net. You get billed from TheShagTime.com, PenisDesires.com, ExoticAdmirer.com and SexBunnyParadise.com.

1st Scam Email

From: gloriadrose@hookup-connection.com
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com


Omg this will be really fun I’m getting excited about meeting you and getting off email. my friend is laughing at me lol. Grinding into my computer chair over here Its been way too long since I”ve had an orgasm….not counting touching myself cause that doesn’t count.

If everything goes well once we meet my friend wants to watch if thats okay with you….i don’t know about you but the idea of her being there really turns me on. just sent you another picture of me..

Just to be on the safe side she setup an account for me on safe and single which was recommended on TV as a good way to screen the people you meet with on craigslist. Its for women obviously, we saw it on the news a while ago.

If you’ll do this for my friend she’ll let me meet you, otherwise I’d have to try someone else who can prove they are trustworthy. If you have nothing to hide and you’re safe, then use this page and complete the online verification its really easy and once you’ve done that I’ll get an email from craftsafe giving the green light. Or I”ll get a red warning from them you are in the sex offender database…they check for that. You better come up safe cause I really wanna let you fuck me and maybe even have my friend watch…depends if we want the privacy or not lol. Anyways I hope can be trusted.

This is the page they gave us you need to go here and do this:


Please don’t make excuses us women have to play it safe and then me and you can play together. K?

Gloria Rose

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID”



2nd Email

From: gloriadrose@hookup-connection.com
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com


Awww okay I understand if you really don’t have a card for that or whatever … there is another site which just asks for email and name its this one here: http://www.hookup-connection.com/users/gloriadrose

They also do screening of their members so what you can do is go on there then send me your number and I’ll call you. Once I see your msg on there I’l know you passed their screening my username is Rose Gaines.

Okay i’m gonna close my email up for now…. message me on there when you are ready and give me your number.

Gloria Rose

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID

6:49 PM > ok you are real LOL~!~ OK WHAT IS YOUR ADDRESS?”



3rd Email

From: riagjames@hookup-connection.com
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com


Awww okay I understand if you really don’t have a card for that or whatever … there is another site which just asks for email and name its this one here: http://hookup-connection.com/users/lisajmaira

They also do screening of their members so what you can do is go on there then send me your number and I’ll call you. Once I see your msg on there I’l know you passed their screening my username is Rose Gaines.

Okay i’m gonna close my email up for now…. message me on there when you are ready and give me your number.

Ria G James

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID”



4th Email

From: riagjames@hookup-connection.com
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com


Omg this will be really fun I’m getting excited about meeting you and getting off email. my friend is laughing at me lol. Grinding into my computer chair over here Its been way too long since I”ve had an orgasm….not counting touching myself cause that doesn’t count.

If everything goes well once we meet my friend wants to watch if thats okay with you….i don’t know about you but the idea of her being there really turns me on. just sent you another picture of me..

Just to be on the safe side she setup an account for me on safe and single which was recommended on TV as a good way to screen the people you meet with on craigslist. Its for women obviously, we saw it on the news a while ago.

If you’ll do this for my friend she’ll let me meet you, otherwise I’d have to try someone else who can prove they are trustworthy. If you have nothing to hide and you’re safe, then use this page and complete the online verification its really easy and once you’ve done that I’ll get an email from craftsafe giving the green light. Or I”ll get a red warning from them you are in the sex offender database…they check for that. You better come up safe cause I really wanna let you fuck me and maybe even have my friend watch…depends if we want the privacy or not lol. Anyways I hope can be trusted.

This is the page they gave us you need to go here and do this:


Please don’t make excuses us women have to play it safe and then me and you can play together. K?

Ria G James

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID

7:47 PM”



Credit Card Charges You Get Billed

  1. You get billed $38.25 a month from PenisDesires.com.
  2. You get billed $36.25 a month from ExoticAdmirer.com.
  3. You get billed $39.25 a month from SexBunnyParadise.com until you cancel.
  4. You get billed $37.25 a month from TheShagTime.com until you cancel.

Owner Of Hookup-Connection

  • Name: Vindo International Ltd.
  • Address: P.O. Box 0823-03411 Panama, Panama NA PA
  • Phone +507.8365503
  • Email: f05378b0f33a40d29231eef12e740ed1.protect@whoisguard.com

Where To File Complaints

Do You Want To Meet Real Girls?

Try these honest and real dating sites to meet local ladies.

One Comment

  1. it popped up on my emails so thought i would have a look and when on there it asked me to verify my age by credit card which stupidly i did then £39.99 came out of my account that day and since every week i’ve been billed a total of £70 but i got on to the bank and they are looking into it the other sites are ppevem.com&rawid.net so be careful when on these types of sites

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