Getting Spammed By Russian Scammers

I have been meaning to get around to this scam for a little while. I usually post about CraigsList scammers but these e-mails have been kept my inbox for at least a few weeks now and I thought I should address them a little bit. I received three different e-mails from the same Russian scammer. The style of the Russian scammers used to rip off people is a little bit different than the usual CraigsList dating scam. There are no websites involved and what happens with Russian romance scammers is they try to build up your trust and after extensive e-mails back and forth which can take anywhere from three weeks too many months they start asking you to send the money or involve you in some type of fake drop ship business in which products are sent to you and the Russian scammer asks you to repackage the merchandise bought through online sites with stolen credit cards and send them somewhere in Russia.

She may also ask for money stating that she would like to come to the US to meet you but she doesn’t have the funds to do so. These are all sent by supposedly attractive looking Russian women. If you see the photographs below, then you will understand what I’m talking about. But the bottom line is this is another scam. I never followed through e-mailing the scammer back and forth more than three or four times because it was going to be an extensive scam. And I don’t have the time to send e-mails back and forth over and over again to one scammer in particular. But just be forewarned if you start receiving e-mails out of the blue from attractive looking women in Russia then it’s going to be some type of Russia romance scam. I would suggest not even e-mailing the people back because you going to get ripped off if you’re gullible in anyway. Read the full report below.

Quick Info On The Scammer

  • Name: Alyona Jalovskaya, Aly , Aloya
  • Email Addresses:
  • Scam Site: none

1st Scam Email

Subject: Iam aly.I realy girl and thank you:)

“I do not know how to begin my letter and so just tell you hello:)my name Aly and I want to acquaintance with you.
well..I’m a little shy and did not know what to say on first acquaintance but I will try:)I have picture and I want send them to you. They are a little bit but I can send more later.
If you can answer me I’ll be very glad our acquaintance!I am sorry if my letter was not quite correct, or funny. I’m trying to improve my english.
Sincerely aly (I want to add you to my mailbox!)”

Jal Aly

2nd Email

Subject: and I added you in my friends contact list

“It Aly.Hello!Yesterday I forgot to tell you that my name is Alyona but my friends call me Aly.
I would be very happy to know about you as much as possible and I will be very happy in a short time to visit your country.
Today I can not write much about myself but tomorrow I will answer in more detail.
I am 26 years old. I’m not married. I have no children. I think that I’m a normal girl who is looking for a simple good friend and may be a serious relationship.
I’m not silly (I think so :)) and I have a good sense of humor.I love life and I will be very happy if my life will be a good friend of your country or more.
Ok I send you my photo and still waiting for your answer tomorrow!aly”

3rd Email

Subject: and I added you in my friends contact list

“Hello!!!Its aly again writing to you!I hope you got my letter yesterday with my personal information?I will add my yesterday’s letter below when will finish this letter ok?:)
How was your day?I do hope you will be enough patient to understand my writing.
I want you to know that I have only good intentions and I don`t have big secrets.The thing is that I will work abroad
for three months(Well certainly if I will like my work that I can remain) or so and I would like to
meet a nice man to be my guide or just be good friend to spend time with.I think that it is hard
enough to live in foreign town without friends and also I have never been abroad. I am from so small town here
in Russia,I am afraid to be lost.I want to see real life and it is impossible to see without
person who knows all sides of the life. It doesn`t matter what age is he or what
is his eyes color, I just want to know that he is kind and open-hearted inside.
I don’t want to live in Russia because I have not any chances here,it
is hardly possible to explain it by the first time but I want you to know my
plans.In Russia many young girls also want to start a new life abroad, so many of them
used a special program “Work and travel” for young people who wants to work
abroad.I also decided to do so and to use it. This program just helps to register
documents and gives suitable work in your area. I already started to register
documents and now I need to decide in which city I want to work.I`m not afraid of work and I can work
as the teacher of physical culture and fitness and to teach it to children and adults!! You wish to be my pupil? :-))? (I try to joke a little)
And if I can not find jobs in their field,I’ll be ready for any work because I do not like to be lazy.
I think it is the right way for me, I am lost here, and I think that I look
pretty enough to find a better place. I never been abroad so I decided to find a friend abroad and make his city to be
my destination. I want leave this country,it is my only chance to change my life. I am full
of plans and different dreams. My hair color between blond and brown-haired. and I have gray-blue eyes. I think I look very good, but
I very much wait your answer!!I still shall write to you a little later ok?:)aly
P.s my letter yesterday here:
Well,now I know that you are interested in me and I hope we will be able to meet soon when I will come to your area. I think I should write you
more things about me, Ihope it will be interesting for you to know me better!Ok:
First of all my full name alyona jalovskaya,26 really years old,my birthday is december 23.1985, I’m 170cm and 52 kg approximately weight.
I don’t know exactly my bust-waist-hips measurements,I don’t have a reason to measure it because I think it’s ok and my body
is proportionate yes?:) I take care of my body because I my work-is teacher of physical culture and I always should look good,so it helps me to keep feet!!!Now I temporarily work as fitness the instructor for children.
About for my family:I live with my mother and my younger brother. My mother(name natalia) is 49 years old,I love her very much, she works as a hairdresser in small salon.
I have older sister and (her name is olga),she is already married and she lives with her husband pavel. My younger brother,he is 11 years old(his name is andrey).He goes to school in the 4th grade.
He is very clever and he want to be a military officer like our father. My father was a great person, he was courageous and brave. He is an ideal man for me…. but… my father died 3 years ago in auto crash… My mother was in a big shock more
8-9 months but now she is ok, she will never meet another man because myfather was only man in her life and now her aim in life is to grow up her son.
Ohh sorry but I would not like to speak more about it because it very painfully and sadly. I want to tell the truth: it was my mother idea that I found a job in another country
She loves me very much and she thinks that its impossible to earn goodmoney in russia working as a teacher or dance instructor.
But the main thing that she wants me to find myself a good man and was happy. She thinks that in Russia almost no good men … Perhaps she was right because I have not found my man …but I do not despair:)
As I wrote you I live in russia, a name of my village of city type is berkakit,it is situated in yakutskaya oblast,it is near big city neryungri(
It will be great if you will also tell me some interesting facts about your city.And please tell me if you have an international airport in your city and
write me its name or code or just tell me in what city is the nearest airport!
I finished univercity here in neryungri,I learned english there and I can speak on english as good as I write on it.
Yes yes I understand that my words are probably funny and my english is terrible but I’m trying to improve it … As you my english?:)
I have a diploma that will allow me to work abroad. Sorry but I don’t have my own computer therefore I can not answer you right away.
Now I have temporarily no mobile phone(unfortunately phone was stolen) but as soon as I can buy another phone then tell you my number!!
Now I am writing to you from a small internet cafe and I am pleased to write you this letter. It is a pity that I can not do this often …I hope you are not getting bored to read my emails?
My address here is Russia,village of city type berkakit,druzhbystreet 2.So now you have a representation of who I am
Else I just can tell you that I enjoy life and I try to live to the fullest, I like to try new things. I’m not that smart:)
I’m very tender, caring, artistic, faithful, decent person (Well here I already start to be praised,i’m sorry)simply I very much wish to like you.Sometimes I can be not well organized, I think everybody had it’s own
minuses and pluses.I don’t look any special qualities in a man. I just hope he will be
faithful to me and ready to create a happy family with me and I will do everything to make him happy.
I’m looking for a soulmate and am very glad that you became for me this soulmate!!!You liked my pictures??
Goodbye and good day to you!I very much wait your answer!!alyona(aly)

Alyona Jalovskaya

Jal Aly

Alyona Jalovskaya

Alyona Jalovskaya


Alyona Jalovskaya

3rd Email

Subject: All my life and my love only in your caring hands my Ken

“Hello my love Ken,now in moscow 13.40pm thursday and I have got all the info and resend to you,you see I am after visit to consulate and agency and I am so happy to say that we will meet in a few days!!!!
I am really lucky girl to meet you.Honey the thing is that I booked nearest possible
flight .I need only your help.there is only a small problem but I am sure we will be able to solve.I wanted to
ask you to help me to pay for tickets,simply I did not expect a little
that some documents will be paid and I had to give many money here in Moscow on registration of some documents.
I know that my mum or the sister will not help me because at them so many family problems.
I was in the bank to try to ask them about loan but they tell I have to have something to stay them
and I have nothing to stay because I have only a few dress and things,some perfume and it is all I have,and small gift for you from
russia with love.and I think it is not great problem for you to help me.I even think that maybe it will give you the pleasure to help me
because you are my knight,right?You know that I always was frank with you and I trust that we are created the friend for the friend. Therefore I without any constraint have told to you mine a sexual inclination to you. I do not wish to hide it!!
I want that you knew about me as much as possible and that we did not have a constraint.
Ken I know that we will have a wonderful night of love and mutual caress. I am assured that I shall not disappoint you and I am precisely assured that I shall never be disappointed you.
I frankly hope that we can overcome together this small obstacle and enjoy the friend the friend to the full (spiritually and certainly sexually)
After all payments here and travel by plane I have about 560usd my own money and
I need about 970usd from yourside,because I have to pay for ticket and a few thigs yet,and I have to pay in advance about 1540 usd and if the tickets will
cost less i will get some money back. when we meet I will return this sum and some extra money because to send thransfer costs
money too.I have to be sure that I will be able to book it or I will lose all the money I gave them
in advance.I’m in hard situation but I full of the love to share with you..I will be waiting for your answer.
You know,I really counting days and minutes before our meeting.
I know you are kind man and I do hope you will be able to help me.I promise I will return all the money.I will earn money because I am ready to work as
hard as possible!Millllllllion kisses.Your aly.Oh Ken!My rent address here is Russia,Moscow,
zip 111020,storozhevaya street 25,flat 8.I once again for
accuracy shall write my full name: alyona jalovskaya it is right writting in english, and you should put it on Western union list and you can choice any bank in moscow,they tell it is
international service and I can get money in any bank of moscow. they tell I can get only Western Union transfer or Moneygram because I have not any
bank accounts in moscow and I have only passport and it is enough to get it! any case I will return money back.You know I
will have rent room,job.I hate people who imagined so many silly rules and laws.I have only small suitcase with
me.I dream about our first meeting,our first night and I have soooome seeeexy night dress with me! and I think
that now everything depends on you my hope and I will check my mail all day and all night
because i can’t sleep if I am not sure that everything is all right and you can help,please don’t
leave me alone i have done so much and I am almost near you.Probably my letter little bit chaotic. I worry before you that really a little it has not turned out with money simply a little, but all that I have told in the letter – only the truth.
And only your answer will be very important for me. No no,I think not only
for me-for us and our relationship.I very much worry and hope that you have not taken offence at me with my request.
I promise you that I shall return to you this money approximately in a month or 1,5 ок? It not too long??
Or can spank me:)My very geeeently kisss for you!your aly”

TRAVEL INFO : Alyona Jalovskaya(Алена Яловская)

© Travel Agency Angely Tour ”Анжели Тур”. Certificate of Conformity № 130, website

TRAVEL INFO : Alyona Jalovskaya(Алена Яловская)- private tour.(work visa)

Travel dates for: Ms.Alyona Jalovskaya
Please label the inside and outside of each piece of baggage to
be checked in with your name and where possible your address.
Suitable baggage labels and
stickers are available free of charge. In advance of your journey.
please note the current free baggage allowance included in your
ticket price. You can find this information in the internet or via
your Airline contact
person. In case you booked a special fare please note that it can
be subject to restrictions. Travel Abroad: When preparing to travel
abroad for less than 5 months,
it is important to ensure entry to another country . Depending on
the country to be visited and the student’s nationality, it may be
necessary to apply for a
visitor visa.The student must have: a valid passport or travel document, valid
visa .
Furthermore, page 4 must be signed by the RO. No special
permission is needed, but it is important to have a valid
passport,valid visa and all travel documents.

Thank you for your booking and have a pleasant journey. Kind regards.”Angely Tour” is a licensed and
officially registered travel agency.
Travel agency Angely Tour ”Анжели Тур”.

Our goal is to provide quality services for group and individual travelers.
Please use our service .Managers: Mr.Karpow Igor.
Ms.Selezhneva Anastasiya.

The nearest possible flight is – November 18,2012.From Moscow
Sheremetyevo Inter Airport.

Price: foreign passport,visa,tax,consulate fee,ticket Eco.class.USD 1530.00+

This reservation will be automatically cancelled if the order is not
purchased until November 17,2012.

Russian dating scammer: Alyona Jalovskaya

Where To File Complaints

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  1. Wow,
    I think I was going to be the next in line.
    Thank you very much. Infant I have the same pics and even more.

  2. Thank you do much , she almost got me , she sent me same thing pictures and even a fake copy of a Russian passport ..
    Asking me to send her $1000 to renew her passport so she can come over and visit me .. Thank you again , your story helped me alot

  3. Wow
    I got 5 emails & dozens of pics, the 1st posted email on this article was identical to my 1st with a different name Anna, the rest of the emails were different but the context and background similar, currently it’s still premature and has not gotten to the point of her asking money but I can feel it’s coming hence my research to finding this site and reading this awareness article.
    Thanks !! I will filter my emails and send them to junk.. I had a descent post on the personals section off cl and that’s how the scammer came to me.. A golden rule to acknowledge is if it’s to good to be true it generally is,, peace !!

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