Is A CraigsList Scam is yet another scam that targets male CraigsList users looking to meet women. This scam tries to trick you into entering your credit card info on You end up getting credit card charges from 3 sites that include,, and Read the full report.

Quick Info On The Scammer

  • Name: Nicole Ben
  • Email Addresses:
  • Scam sites: loads a registration form. You get billed from from, and

Scam Email:


“Omg this will be really fun I’m getting excited about meeting you and getting off email.

my friend is laughing at me lol. Grinding into my computer chair over here Its been way

too long since I”ve had an orgasm….not counting touching myself cause that doesn’t count.

If everything goes well once we meet my friend wants to watch if thats okay with you….

i don’t know about you but the idea of her being there really turns me on. just sent you

another picture of me..

Just to be on the safe side she setup an account for me on safe and single which was

recommended on TV as a good way to screen the people you meet with on craigslist. Its for

women obviously, we saw it on the news a while ago.

If you’ll do this for my friend she’ll let me meet you, otherwise I’d have to try someone

else who can prove they are trustworthy. If you have nothing to hide and you’re safe, then

use this page and complete the online verification its really easy and once you’ve done that

I’ll get an email from craftsafe giving the green light. Or I”ll get a red warning from them

you are in the sex offender database…they check for that. You better come up safe cause I

really wanna let you fuck me and maybe even have my friend watch…depends if we want the privacy

or not lol. Anyways I hope can be trusted.

This is the page they gave us you need to go here and do this: (

Please don’t make excuses us women have to play it safe and then me and you can play together. K?

After doing this you will find my Contact Info…..

Sent From iPhone”

Credit Card Charges You Get Billed

  1. $39.47 a month to
  2. $47.47 a month to
  3. $48.47 a month to

Owner Of

  • Name: info is hidden
  • Address: PMB 368, 14150 NE 20th St – F1 Bellevue WA 98007 USA
  • Phone 1.4252740657
  • Email:

Where To File Complaints

Where Can You Meet Real Women?

If you want to meet real women, then you may want to check these real dating sites.

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