Facebookdating.link Is Being Spammed To Me http://Bit.ly/2ldxF82

Facebookdating.link is getting redirected through Bit.ly/2ldxF82. From there it gets redirected over to a fictitious dating site called Mynaughtydreams.com from “Jess” who is a fictitious girl who sent me the two emails that you see below including fake photographs that have been stolen from porn sites and then used to trick me into believing that some naked girl wants to have sex with me but I need to visit her page and get her phone number off of Facebookdating.link. All of this is a con job to get me and other gullible Craigslist users to register on Mynaughtydreams.com. You can see all the evidence below and you can also fight back by contacting the spammers web host and their domain registrar. Read the whole scam report

Quick Info On The Scammer

  • Name: Jess G.
  • Email Addresses: itsjessox@mail-us.org
  • Scam sites: http://Bit.ly/2ldxF82 redirects to Facebookdating.link, and then to Mynaughtydreams.com.

1st Email:

From: itsjessox@mail-us.org
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com

“What are you up to?

can i get a picc? also, how old r u? I’m pretty open to any age =)”


2nd Email:

From: itsjessox@mail-us.org
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com

“aww no pic .!! booo lol

Thursday’s are my favorite, I don’t have anything to do for the next 3 days! I don’t have a job so I get a little bored at my apartment by myself. Tell me you like my body. Want to see more?”


3rd Email:

From: runtiffrun@mailoma.com
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com

“I want to have a crazy night with you, I think we can hit it off! I just took another pic for you baby!

You can get my phone # and address off of my page: (http://bit.ly/2lbxaeH redirects to http://yaexn.facebookdating.link, then to https://www.mynaughtydreams.com)

We can keep chatting on my page, we can even to a vid chat before we meet if you want. Just send me a msg on my page so I know I can trust your safe to come over. It doesnt charge you anything, I just need you to be verified before I invite you over. I don’t mind having fun with you the first time we meet but this way I don’t feel wierd and you won’t feel like a stranger!”



Owner Of Facebookdating.link

Where To File Complaints

  1. Domain Registrar: Contact abuse@namecheap.com or call +1.6613102107.
  2. Hosting company: Contact abuse@amazonaws.com or call 1-206-266-4064.
  3. Report it to us: Send us the emails & photos you got from a scammer and we will post it on our site.

Want To Meet Real Local Girls?

If you want to search for real girl check these real dating sites.


***Note: (This site scam report is the property of TheDatingJudge.com, any use or copying is unauthorized. DCMA complaints will be filed with your web host, domain name provider, and Google.com if you choose to disregard this warning.)

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