ExplicitEncounters.net is just more hot air and bs from online scammers that will say anything to get what they want. Read the email below to see the lies and fake guarantees that scammers will go to rip you off. Read the full report below.
Quick Info On The Scammer
- Name: Liza Gatti, Liza Brashear
- Email Addresses: admin@explicitencounters.net
- Scam sites: ExplicitEncounters.net redirects to http://www.SexPlayCam.com/?c=landingpages&a , and to XxxBlackBook.com
Scam Email:
From: admin@explicitencounters.net
Subject: Genuine Encounter
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com“No other hookup community compares to this year’s number one on the list.
With Female/Male ratios being so close to 1/1, they’re offering their Get-Laid-Guaranteed promotion not only to women,
but to men as well.Using their embedded video chat you’ll be removing all doubt about who’s actually on the other side.
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Take the 3 month Get-Laid-Guaranteed test.
Most people will hook-up the first week.
Some male members that upload photos, videos and fill out their profile thoroughly will hook up on their very first night.
See Who’s Online Right Now” (http://explicitencounters.net/mail/link.php?)
Email #2:
From: admin@explicitencounters.net
Subject: Hook Up Tonight
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com“Want to hook up tonight?
Try the Internet’s #1 Up & Coming Dating site for 2012 and this year’s #1 Mobile Dating Community.
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Sign Up Right Now – Get Laid Tonight (http://explicitencounters.net/mail/link.php?M=18946&N=7&L=6&F=H)
Email #3:
From: admin@explicitencounters.net
Subject: Hook Up Tonight
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com“Xpress is giving ******@gmail.com a premium membership
just for being a loyal subscriber to our list.Meet the most open minded women on the internet by click below
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As a newsletter subscriber of MHL, you are given exclusive news
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Email #4:
From: admin@explicitencounters.net
Subject: Local Video Chat – Easiest Way to Meet Real Locals
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com“Video chatting is quickly becoming the easiest way to meet open minded locals looking for casual fun.
Sexplaycam directly connects you with local women looking for casual encounters.
There is so much activity in the video chat rooms that they’re currently offering men a Hookup Guarantee.
(Offer only valid to US residents at the moment)Click Here to Take advantage of the Get-Laid-Guarantee offer right now (http://explicitencounters.net/mail/link.php?M=72946&N=28&L=13&F=H redirects to http://www.sexplaycam.com/landingpages/local?from=lc&ard=11405&r=lc239667)
Use the link below to stop receiving our offers
Unsubscribe me from this listPowered by Interspire”
Email #4:
From: admin@explicitencounters.net
Subject: Genuine Hookup
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com“The Original Hookup Community has gotten their Female:Male ratios back up to 1:1 and they’re offering their written hookup guarantee not only to women, but to men as well.
Meet real women looking for actual encounters.
With over 10 different ways to connect with someone that interests you, it’s by far the easiest site to make new friends (with benefits of course)
Come and see who’s online. There’s someone for everyone.
You’ll be surprised at how many women in your area have signed up.
Signup Now and take advantage of our Get-Laid-Guarantee (http://explicitencounters.net/mail/link.php?M=203940&N=111&L=19&F=H redirects to http://tour.xxxblackbook.com)
Use the link below to remove yourself from our mailing list
Unsubscribe me from this listPowered by Interspire”
Owner Of ExplicitEncounters.net
- Name: hidden
- Address: Aptds. 0850-00056 Zona 15 Panama, Panama
- Phone 507.65995877
- Email: hidden
Where To File Complaints
- Hosting company: Contact HostWinds or call them at 1-918-960-0191.
- Domain registrar: Contact Godaddy.com to report this domain for spam.
Where Can You Meet Real Women?
If you want to meet real local ladies then check these sites out.