EldaMary.com Is Scamming CraigsList Users

“Elda Mary” sent me photos of herself, but of course it’s not really her. You see “Elda Mary” doesn’t really exist, it’s a made up girl that online scammers have created to trick men from CraigsList into thinking that she is real. The whole point of of “Elda Mary” is to convince you to input your credit card info on the scam site called EldaMary.com. Don’t believe any word of the emails you get because it’s all B.S. Read the full report below.

Quick Info On The Scammer

  • Name: Elda Mary
  • Email Addresses: iam@eldamary.com
  • Scam Site: EldaMary.com. A registration form is loaded from http://sexxymatch.com/. You get billed from IntensePornography.com, BasicHardcore.com and BasicAnal.com.

1st Scam Email

From: iam@eldamary.com
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com

“It seems like I really got a real reply to my ad. How it’s going there? Interesting Answer to my ad which is good because I received some pretty bad ones and lots of disturbing ones. So hopefully you’re actually real. I included a few pic’s of myself from I dunno Two or three months ago? I still look about the same I haven’t put on a couple of pounds or anything. lol. Email me back if your interested to meet up.”



2nd Email

From: iam@eldamary.com
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com

“Of-course I am real.
To be honest with you, I am feeling both excited and a bit worried at the very same time. I’ve had an awful experience meeting someone online roughly a year ago. I met the wrong guy basically. I am willing to give this a shot with you. I am in the mood for a sexy time just have to use my brain this time. Know what I am saying?
I made my personal website which is kind of like Yahoo Talk, It confirms age and scans the sex offenders database before permitting someone to join. if you pass the screening you access to my profile and their full dating site. My cell no is on the profile. So, If you comes up as safe you can contact me anytime.
I know it sounds kind of paranoid but if you do this check for me that my website provides I am going to know you are real and safe to meetup with.
I only work part-time. So, I am around a lot. I have nothing to gain by asking you this except it will make me feel safe.
If you have got a Webcam we can video chat too as they have that on the site, but really I just wanna make sure you pass the verification. If you want I am going to get topless on my cam for you during our talk as a welcome gift. Would that make you feel Welcome? Lol. I’ve been told, I have extremely nice fun-bags a lot of times and photos do not do them justice, If that implies anything.
To get the verification page just Click Here (http://eldamary.com/index.php?n=)”

Credit Card Charges You Get Billed

  1. $39.62 a month to IntensePornography.com
  2. $49.81 a month to BasicHardcore.com
  3. $49.81 a month to BasicAnal.com

Owner Of EldaMary.com

  • Name:
  • Address: 11400 W. Olympic Blvd. Suite 200 Los Angeles, CA 90064 US
  • Phone 1.6613102107
  • Email: c0f521ed1d244d329d3c47c8d0e1b807.protect@whoisguard.com

Where To File Complaints

Where Do You Meet Real Girls?

I recommend using these real dating sites to meet local girls.


  1. With so many scams I decided to search for the eldamary.com domain and found your info. This scam sent me the exact email listed here. Thanks.

  2. her name is Mary Elda she is from the San Bernardino area. She is scamming and involved with Porn where it is not her in the videos or pictures but she is a lure to get credit cards

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