Ddating-us.com is spam that has been getting emailed to me. This spam sends people to a shady dating site called Ddating-us.com which redirects to Freelifetimebootycalls.com. Don’t input your credit card info on this site because it’s a 100% scam. If it sounds to good to be true it is, and this is another example of that. Read the full report below.
Quick Info On The Scammer
- Name:
- Email Addresses: metals@alssalam.com, ijiri@memocraft.com
- Scam Site: Ddating-us.com redirects to Freelifetimebootycalls.com.
1st Scam Email
From: metals@alssalam.com, ijiri@memocraft.com
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com“A re you alone tonight (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/249554418/NzlSuY3A.html redirects to http://ddating-us.com/main.php?s=126&, and then to http://www.Freelifetimebootycalls.com)?
out again for a walk. It was nine o’clock when he reached
the Shcherbatskys’ steps the second time. In the house they were only
just up, and the cook came out to go marketing. He had
to get through at least two hours more. All that night and
morning Levin lived perfectly unconsciously, and felt perfectly lifted out of the
conditions of material life. He had eaten nothing for a whole day,
he had not slept for two nights, had spent several hours undressed
in the frozen air, and felt not only fresher and stronger than
ever, but felt utterly independent of his body; he moved without muscular
effort, and felt as if he could do anything. He was convinced”
Owner Of Ddating-us.com
- Name: Vindo International Ltd. Laura Yun
- Address: xiamen fujian 361008 China
- Phone 86.05922577888
- Email: gmvjcxkxhs@whoisservices.cn
Where To File Complaints
- Hosting company: Report abuse by emailing abuse@ripe.net or call 31205354444
- Domain registrar: Contact abuse@bizcn.com or call 86.5922577888 to report abuse/spam.
- Report it to us: Send us any info you have on a scammer and we will post it!
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