Is A Complete Scam

“Carrie” (not the scammer’s real name) wants me to get verified on It’s too bad the whole thing is a scam to charge your credit card with 3 sites that you are probably not aware of. Keep your credit card in your wallet and dnon’t belive anything you read in the emails from this fake girl. If you want to meet real women then look at these dating sites Read the full report below.

Quick Info On The Scammer

  • Name: Carrie, Dawn
  • Email Addresses:,
  • Scam Site: A form is loaded You get billed from the following sites, and

1st Scam Email


“Sounds like this is going to work

to be honest with you Im a little excited and a bit worried

at the same time… I had a bad experience meeting someone

online about a month ago. Way to much Drama!

I still want to do this with you…I’m in the mood for

some fun just have to protect myself.

I use a website now

which makes me feel safe. I like to use this because it lets you call

or text me without me giving out my real #. I don’t know you

all that well so this is much better for me.

Some dude a few weeks ago text messaged me like 100 times in

one day and was saying some really scary stuff. I’m sure your

not like that but I hope you can do this for me to make me

feel safe.

Ok I am getting off the computer and gonna jump in the shower.

Will I shave a landing strip or all the way off for you. haha

sorry Im a bit of a tease. Text me XOXOX.”

2nd Email


“I never did hear from you. Whats up??

Jump on my profile (carrie_77) it has my #. Text

me and we can hook up. I am naked right now and will

answer the door that way. I need a release and ready

to have some fun. Attached a pic of me

3rd Email


“Sounds like this is going to work 🙂

to be honest with you Im a little excited and a bit worried

at the same time… I had a bad experience meeting someone

online about a month ago. Way to much Drama!

I still want to do this with you…I’m in the mood for

some fun just have to protect myself.

I use a website now

which makes me feel safe. I like to use this because it lets you call

or text me without me giving out my real #. I don’t know you

all that well so this is much better for me.

Some dude a few weeks ago text messaged me like 100 times in

one day and was saying some really scary stuff. I’m sure your

not like that but I hope you can do this for me to make me

feel safe.

Ok I am getting off the computer and gonna jump in the shower.

Will I shave a landing strip or all the way off for you. haha

sorry Im a bit of a tease. Text me XOXOX”

4th Email


“Hey just found your reply in my spam folder. uughh. I hate email

so 5 years ago. Im online on my phone right now and you can

get at me. hurry before I get too bored and fall asleep.

my page is Damn.Dawn.77 Please have a car im not going to pick you

up ok I can barely afford enough gas to get to my stupid job.

5th Email


“heyy you still wanna meet up for a drink or something? id like to if

you are still interested i just wanna chat online first to help break

the ice before your inside me haha. make a screen name here and instant

message me at carrie_77

Credit Card Charges You Get Billed

  1. You get billed $39.95 a month from
  2. You get billed $29.95 a month from until you cancel.
  3. You get billed $49.95 a month from until you cancel.

Owner Of

  • Address: P.O. BOX 0823-03411 PANAMA, PANAMA
  • Phone 507.65995877
  • Email:2DCE669979A6456A879E732D6B9C3656.PROTECT@WHOISGUARD.COM

Where To File Complaints

Do You Want To Meet Real Girls?

Try these honest and real dating sites to meet local ladies.


  1. Latest and greatest:


    good to hear back from you i guess you aren’t just a keyboard warrior lol Lots of guys on craigslist are nothing but talk it seems….they probably all live at home with their parents lol. so when you wanna meet up? I have no plans we can do this whenever you want even right now cause Im just watching netflix. At first I really was kinda worried about posting on craigslist cause I had a scary experience a year ago meeting someone from personals (I had
    to call for help he was crazy) so just to be on the safe side I’d like you to do a quick verify on this page:

    They protect members and keep out offenders and people with felonies….as long as your not in their database you’re getting my number and calling me tonight. Have you seen this before? Its been in the news many times. I just need you to do this for my peace of mind the first time considering the kinds of guys who might be on craigslist…. I learned that
    the hard way.

    I’m gonna wait for you to call or text… you’ll have to use the link above to get it – thats all I need to know you can be trusted. I really hope you aren’t just talk and follow through cause I’ve been excited about trying out a friend with benefits. Just keep it real with me and don’t get clingy k.

    1. Hahah I got that same email today and I almost fell for it. I’m glad I checked if the website was legit before entering my card info.
      Thanks mann!

  2. LOL, I played with the same little spammer. Tried like heck to get her/him off the play script. Not very imaginative though, they just kept the boilerplate rolling. Surprised so many fall for this.

    I find more entertainment messing with the 419 scams out of Nigeria. At least you can get them to do something foolish to look like an idiot before cutting the line.

    Find dates the old fashion way at public places because the internet is in this day for suckers. Shut these bimbos down. Play, but don’t fall for it. It’s the only way to claim back the turf.

    This is a great site. Be safe out there.

  3. Funny shit right here. she sent exactly the same boilerplate messages with same pics. i stopped before entering a card number. phew i tthought it didn’t seem right. praise the Lord for not being a TOTAL idot. lol thanks for this site!!!!

    1. Andrew:
      Contact your bank and tell them what happened, they should be able to reverse those fraudulent porn charges.

  4. This was the email i recieved.

    Hey 🙂

    Thanks for emailing me. My roomate is gone for the week and she is
    always hooking up with guys on the internet so I thought I would give
    it a try.

    So how do you want to do this? I need to be safe baby I will let you
    do what ever you want I really dont care. We can have some drinks or
    whatever. I’m off work today and tomorrow and Im looking to have a little
    fun you know.

  5. Omg this bitch (or dude) definitely thinks she can go around messing w people’s heads all day and get away w it?! I just got the exact same email as the guy above… Verbatim!! It would be nice to find a way to get a hold of these fkrs and teach them a lesson on why it’s not right to steal from people!!! Thank you to all who posted on here… I was almost another victim of “dawn’s” love pyramid! Lol

  6. Glad I found this. They sent me an email via text. It got cut off, but it started the same as the other guy above.

    I figured it was fishy. good thing i checked before I got any links.

  7. I have a question my b/f of two years had this B.S. on his outlook mailing box….it was like February 2014. Now just because it was s scam, it still does mean he was trying to get some pushy, Right? Please I need answers and I’m not getting what my heart tells me is the truth. You’d have to be trying or looking for pussy fir your ass to get scammed, Right? Answers please.


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