CraigsList Scam:

More scamming from “Jennifer” on her newest scam page at Let me be really clear, you will not get laid by Jennifer! She is not real and this is just a scam to trick you into parting ways with your money via inputting your credit card info on Any emails you receive are complete lies and are not even sent by a women, but by a guy pretending to be a girl named “Jennifer”. Don’t be a scam victim use your big head, not your little one. Read the report below.

  • Name: Jennifer
  • Email Addresses: (Report Spam To AOL)
  • Scam Sites: loads a “dating verification” registration form from You get billed from .

1st Scam Email

Subject: Re: A little bit country and a little bit rock and roll – w4m – 23

hi again, i been waiting for your response! so wow, i guess you liked the photos huh? im not bad at all. how come i have not met anyone to spend some time with! its not like i want anything serious! geez, i just want a lay. that is all a girl is asking. the way ive done this before, and the safest way i feel.. is for you to verify you have no violent background here: i will not, meet anyone under 18 under no circumstances, no matter how hot or tasty u look. sorry. please be legal of age. anyways, once u log in, u’ll get my number (no its not my real #, and u wont be getting that!) but this number forwards to my celly. i hope to hear from you soon, cant wait to meet you. ps – thats my link to my page, ur personal invite. the screening is free this way. but i only have so many to give out a month. so dont waste it!



Owner Of

Name: Lucius Sands
Phone: 310-438-7335
Address: 1040 crescent ave. beverly hills California

Where To File Complaints

  • Hosting: Contact or call 31 20 535 4444 to report that you have been receiving spam from
  • Domain: Contact or call 1-866-938-1119 to report the spam/fraud from
  • Report it to us: Send us all the info you have on a scammer and we will post it on our site.

Want To Meet Real Women?

If you want a chance to meet reallocal women then maybe take a look at these dating sites.


  1. Thank you for this site. JENNIFERLIKESBOYS almost got me too.

    I had some real big doubts about her when I got her second letter sending me to ..remember that old bromide about “if something seems too good to be true it probably is” ?

    That site above, by the way, isn’t taking new members…they are so-o-o-o successful and experiencing such a high volume of accounts that they have had to temporarily convert over to by invitation only. LOL

    THANKS AGAIN…Gotta stop thinking with the wrong head. Say no more.

  2. Hello ****,

    Is it cool if we talk on the phone *******?

    Not really into emailing back and forth lol.

    I use this web site though that checks people out before you hook up with them. It checks people out for totally free because of the craigslist killing last year and also have a bad experience before that cause this verification site.Go here and call me.

    I use it each time I meet new guys through the net. Once this guy who I was planning to meet up with once actually did it and it turned out he had 3 different domestic assault charges.
    Soon as you confirm you will see my phone number under my profile. I’ll be free all evening next couple of days if you’restill interested in meeting up. Haven’t been fucked in a so long. Please don’t email me back being rude.

    I really do hope to hear from you but if not then thats fine.

    – Marcella Harley(Real Member of Craigslist)

    Sent from my iPhone”

    1. Beware will trade nude pictures with you not concern with them selling them. I’m no Chip, & Dale dancer lol
      I sue if they did sell some good luck on it.
      Beware “it” wants you to go to a site, and pay money, and you will never meet it.

  3. To be honest with you ———– Im feeling both excited and a bit worried at the same time..I’ve had a bad experience meeting someone online about a year ago.met the wrong guy basically.

    I’m willing to give this a shot with you.I’m in the mood for a sexy time just have to use my brain this time. Know what I mean?

    Lets find something to do! I really hope to get things going. I guess the best way to make plans is to give me a call sometime today so we can at least hear each other voices on the phone.

    You can find my cell on , so get hold of if you are serious in meeting me.

    I signed up and became verified last week, it was quick and easy. Its totally free (otherwise I wouldnt have sign up myself) and I think that it is the best way to ensure that both of us are adults. I am not interested meeting kids.

    I know you’ve already talked about yourself a little bit, but i cant trust all of it because thats what happened last time when I met this 15 years old online.

    I totally freaked out. I hope you arent him. There are just too many things happening online these day so I just need to be very careful while looking for fun as well. I hope you understand.

  4. Hey —- 🙂

    Thanks for replying to my ad! Well, let me tell you a bit about myself.I’m young, I’m outgoing, I like to have fun, and sometimes I’m told that I’m cute lol. I attached my pic, so you can be the judge 😉 . To be honest I normally don’t have much of a hard time hooking up with men, but I’m new to the area so I don’t really know anyone yet and I’m not into the “bar scene” when I’m not with a group of my girl friends. I’m ready to just hook up with someone and have some fun, so I hope you’re looking for the same. At the same time, I’m kinda afraid of this type of hookup online though. A friend of mine said she tried it before and ended up with a crazy dude who never left her alone :/. Not trying to throw you off though, I definitely want to try this, I just wanna make sure you’re real and serious before we actually get together 🙂 . Hopefully you still wanna hook up, so yea just send me an email back and we can work things out.

    Looking forward to hearing from you :Oh and can you send your photo as an attachment, my email won’t show images which are copy and pasted…thx

    – Marcella Harley

    Sent from my iPhone”

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