“Jenn Selleck”, a fake girl is still being used in the Craigmeetsafer.com scam. Nothing changes, the same scams keep running month after month, year after year. Don’ get duped by this scam it’s all lies and the end result is getting credit card charges in excess of $120.00 per month. Read the full report below.
Quick Info On The Scammer
- Name: Jenn Selleck
- Email Addresses: jennifer87657@lydiamail.com
- Scam Site: Onlinedatingverify.com redirects to Freehookups.com. A form is loaded from Idtrmce.com. You get billed from (Ask Me For A First Date) AskMeForAFirstDate.com, (Down This Road Again) DownThisRoadAgain.com and (Larger Than Life Romance) LargerThanLifeRomance.com.
1st Scam Email
From: jennifer87657@lydiamail.com
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com“Hello again,
you sound pretty cool and i’m f course interested in meet up with you.. I am alone and would like to meet up.we can grab a drink and see how we connect. to get my number just go to http://craigmeetsafer.com/members/jenn/ and send me a message also my number will be right on the first page.its not gonna charge to verify.they just verify to make sure you don’t have a criminal history.you know a girl can never be too careful.if you are really serious to meet me right now you can call me up.I will wait for your call.
btw,call to my cell,instead of home…in case,i am outside.”
2nd Email
From: jennifer87657@lydiamail.com
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com“Hey,i am really sorry if you don’t verify first from here http://craigmeetsafer.com/members/jenn/verify.html l i had previous bad experince sharing my perssonal details.if you are intereested call me after verification.”
Owner Of CraigMeetSafer.com
Name: Domain Administrator
Phone: 347-871-7726
Address: PMB# 255 Phoenix AZ 85016 US
Email: pw-e3e6e0b0d430bce1c24c47afad0f3321@privacyguardian.org
Where To File Complaints
- Domain Registrar: Contact support@namesilo.com or call 1-602-492-8198 to report the spam/fraud.
- Hosting company: Contact abuse@ripe.net or call 31205354444 to report the spam/fraud.
- Report it to us: Send us the emails & photos you got from a scammer and we will post it on our site.
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I’ve just been done a couple of hours got told to register and it’s all completely free and like a mug I done put my card details and that in and it ain’t now I have had to get a new card
how can i cancel it?and how can i get my money back of $12.89.if you have any question please let me know.
call your bank to get your money back.