Just A Scam To Rip You Off is designed to get you to enter your email address in the online form. After that you get redirected to claims to be a dating verification site but it isn’t really, they want to get your credit card info so they charge your credit card and make money off of your lack of judgement! On the site it states “It is US law that credit cards are not to be issued to citizens under the legal age of 18, thus we use your credit card to verify your age and check that you are not a registered sexual offender”, it’s all BS! Don’t enter your email address or give the site your personal credit card info. Read The report below.

Quick Info On The Scammer

  • Name: Vie Vie , Zana
  • Email Addresses: , , , , (Report Spam To HotMail) (Report Spam To Yahoo)
  • Web Sites: loads a fake “dating verification” form from and then redirects to

1st Scam Email

Subject: RE: HOT Firefighter – w4m – (Vancouver)

“Just I got reply from you, thanks for replying to my ad, I have lot of emails from there. I have bad experience with fake emails, so my first question is, are you real?

I have many things to do, fun dance after diner. I think best way to plan to call sometime today or tomorrow, so we can here each others voice on phone My cell phone no is given on — redirects to So get it fast if you want to hook up with me

I signed up here and become verified last week; it’s the best way to ensure that we both are adults I like to have kids but not for date.. lol.. really I met with14 years old on internet so want some age verification I totally freaked out. I hope you aren’t him. There are just too many things happening online these days so I just need to be very careful while looking for fun as well. I hope you understand

I have many recent pic on my profile and planning to add more soo when time permits. Just request keep it in private for yourself only 😉
Hope to meet with you soon… just call once.”

2nd Email

Subject: RE: Lookin for a new man for my new life – w4m – (Dallas)

“Just I got reply from you, thanks for replying to my ad, I have lot of emails from there. The first question I want to ask you are you real? because I am getting most of fake emails.

Would you like to meet up for a drink? I am sure we can find something fun to do after. I really hope for good things will be happen between, do youhave any plan to call me today or tomorrow? So at least we can have some casual talk on phone You can find my cell on :- ( redirects to So please get it to chat with me

I am verified member that I am adult so I signed up last week Actually I am not interested in KIDS… lol do you know what happened last time I met with 15 years old online so I can’t do trust. Hope you can understand things because a lot many things happening now a days over internet. So just want to be careful about it

Planning to upload more pics when time permits, but there are plenty of mine uploaded already. Please keep those for yourself only don’t show to anyone
Call me or text me. Hope to meet with you soon

Sent from my iPad”

3rd Email

Subject: RE: not stop sex – w4m

“So well-chosen words to delight a reply. I am lucky I even found your reply at all.

It seems harassing to get such bad emails in the form of bad pictures. To prove that you are real please give me favor create one handle page and link with my profile here. ( redirects to its take no time and no money and, just sign up and we can chat directly through our profile pages. mailing is so time consuming, why nit chat there. I will share some recent pics with you.

will login soon as I cannoty resist talking to you . buddy…! I need to go airpot to hang out with my friends catch you later . do u miss me like I do?. Chipping in the details of your profile into mine. as soon as I logi again, I will get back to you . Well catch you soon.”

4th Email

Subject: RE: today?? – w4m – (holywood)

“I got decent reply back from you, thanks for reply to my ad, I got lot many email lol.. The first question I want to ask you are you real? because I am getting most of fake emails.
Do you wanna have diner with me on some night. I have plan for lot much fun after. I really hope to get things going. I guess the best way to make plans is to give me a call sometime today so we can at least hear each other voices on the phone. You can get my phone no -> So get it fast if you want to hook up with me
I want to be sure; we both are adult so I signed up here for last week I love kids but not for date, last week I met with one 15 years kid online so I can not trust anymore I totally freaked out. I hope you aren’t him. There are just too many things happening online these days so I just need to be very careful while looking for fun as well. I hope you understand
I have uploaded recent pics of mine and I have some naughty pose pics too to upload. But please take them for yourself only. Do not show to anyone
Will wait for call from you.”

4th Email

Subject: RE: Cocktails & Cock – w4m – (Broward county)

“I’m not into games. My time is precious. Don’t waste mine, I won’t waste yours!.
I want to ask you a question, are you real? coz I am having maximum bad and fake replies from peoples.. Actually I am not interested in KIDS… lol do you know what happened last time I met with 15 years old online so I can’t do trust.. Hope you can understand things because a lot many things happening now a days over internet. So just want to be careful about it.
will you please create a profile at the adress I am providing if you are a real person. Here is the link: .
I am verified member that I am adult so I signed up last week. and makes it really easy for me and you to go back and forth via chat. Don’t you think emails take more time than chatting. as they have blocked emails at my work place, I can stay available on this site
talking with you again will make me really happy”

Owner Of

Name: All info is hidden
Phone: 45.36946676
Address: ID#10760, PO Box 16 Nobby Beach ,QLD 4218 AU

Where To File Complaints

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