Is Another CraigsList Scam To Steal From You

I had to laugh when I got this scam from With a name like “Christian Match Maker” you would think that the site would be wholesome, but it’s not. Instead it’s just another dating scam site trying to trick you into entering your credit card info on so they can bill your credit card to 3 porn sites with charges over $100! Please don’t fall for these silly scams, the whole thing is a con to rip you off. Read the full report below.

Quick Info On The Scammer

  • Name: Anika Yamagata, Reda Marshall, Angella Jenkins, Salina Bailey, Jeanetta Daniels, Madaline Morales, Odell Perkins, Elna Morgan, Edie Perkins, Evan Sanders, Sudie Graham
  • Email Addresses:,,,,,,,,,
  • Web Sites: and loads a fake registration form from You get billed from, and

1st Scam Email

Subject: thanks 🙂

You are the first man to mail me. Thank you 🙂 Let me tell you about me. I am from Japan, but moved here 8 years ago with my mom and sister. I just moved to this area 3 months ago by myself, don’t know anyone here. I am not used to being on my own. I want someone to take care of me. Maybe you could? I am fun and will do whatever you want to do, treat me right and I will be yours. I added pics of myself. Have more too if ya want. Text a pic to my phone if you can.
My sister told me to be careful meeting random people online. I want to be sure your safe. I just need to know you aren’t some crazy person. My sister sent me this youtube video and it scared me: Some guy murdered a couple girls he met online 🙁

I have 2 requests before we meet, hopefully this isn’t asking too much. First, if we meet up I would be ok with going back to your place after or even mine but could you take me out to dinner, get drinks something? I like to be treated nicely before doing anything sexual. It makes me feel specialand not like your using me just forsex and closer to you. You can pick the place. I promise I will make it worth it for you 🙂 I am a little tired of eating at home by myself every day and don’t want to go out alone. It gets a little sad…
The other thing is this. Please don’t think I’m weird or a loser for asking you this! I know it makes me a little lame but it would make me feel much better and my sister told me she uses it an all her friends. You need to go to my profile page and do the real quick verification on the right side. You don’t have to pay or anything, it’ doesn’t cost anything if you do it through my page. Its a christian dating site and I love it. I also have some more pics of me on that page 🙂 Once your signed up it will give you my phone number and you can text me a pic. It’s ok if you can’t send pics with your phone but it would be nice. Sorry for asking you to do that, I know it’s probably really annoying but I promise if only takes a few seconds and then you can text me. I’m availible to do something just almost everyday. I currently work at home making sales calls 🙂
Anyways here’s the link:

I’ll be waiting, im going to watch some tele but I’ll have my phone on me. I’m excited! Hehe. Oh an please don’t share my toples picture with anyone… I really don’t want that to be posted anywhere on the internet, I just sent that for you only”

Anikaya Magata

2nd Email

Subject: thanks 🙂

“Hola, dont know if you want to hear me say Im ”hot” – I can say that Im not bad looking. Really, its for you to judge.

im happy you found my ad, for some reason I havnt got any emails yet Can I get a picture please? You play xbox? I know I look young but i’m over 20 🙂 I’m Reda Marshall

Well thats awesome too, My xbox live gamer tag is XxamonkiespooxX if you ever have a chance to add me 🙂 So tell me a little about yourself, what do you like to do? If you cant tell already Im kinda a big gamer. I hope that doesnt turn you off ;/ I can be really cute, I attached another pic for you. like?

That makes me happy! You could defiantly come over to my place and we could play some games and chill. Whatever you want to do. I could use some company Im always by myself. It gets super boring. I actually have my profile at ( loads a framed page from My phone numbers on there give me a call! Whats your number so I know it’s you”

3rd Email


“to be honest with you i’m excited and a bit worried at the same time.Ive had a bad experience meeting someone online about a year agomet the wrong guy basically.

Im willing to give this a shot with youIm in the mood for a sexy time just have to use my brain this time. Know what I mean?

I use a free service now on verified dating which is kind of like yahoo chat it verifies age and scans the sex offenders database before allowing someone to join. Im pretty sure its free to run the verification and this gives you access to my profile and their whole dating site. My cell number is on the profile so if you come up as safe you can give me a call when your inside.

I know it sounds kind of paranoid but if you do this verification for me that verified dating provides Ill know you are real and safe to meetup withI only work part-time so im around alot. I have nothing to gain by asking you this except it will make me feel safe, if you were a woman who has bee n through what I have youd know the feeling. If you have a webcam we can video chat too as they have that inside, but really I just wanna make sure you pass the checks. If you want I will get topless on my cam for you during our chat as a welcome gift. Would that make you feel welcome? lol. Ive been told I have very nice breasts alot of times.if that means anything.

Their verification page is

If you think Im just being paranoid or you come up as an offender then I am going to be left all disappointed. Oh and that site also proves my age as they verify everyone including women. I doubt you were worried about that its just a little friendly assurance that Im not jail bait as they say lol. Im in my twenties. Also Im getting real thirsty Im gonna make a blueberry smoothie will be away from the comp, but please give my cell a ring once youve been verified and your on my profile.

I attached a small gift for you that I just took today. oh and whats your number?

Sent from my iPhone”

4th Email


“I dunno… if you can’t verify then i’d rather not meet up, it kinda freaks me out because of all the creeps online and such…

if you wanna hook up thats all it’s gunna take…

Give me one good reason why you can’t :/

Sent from my iPhone”

5th Email


“ok ok! I have a small request. I want you to call or text me and to get my number just go to my profile. Here’s a direct link to my page 🙂

I’ve met a ton of great friends there, but no guys yet… And its free to verify. This way I know your real and also it just checks to make sure you dont have a criminal record ;), you know a woman can never be too careful. If you are serious im waiting for your call. It’s a very known and trusted site! Oh whats your favorite color? I have a little surprise for you”

6th Email


“awesome 🙂 you are the first guy to mail me finally. Thank you 🙂 Let me tell you about me. I am from Japan, but moved here 8 years ago with my mom and sister. I just moved to this area 3 months ago by myself, dont know anyone here. I am not used to being on my own. I want someone to take care of me. Maybe you could? I am fun and will do whatever you want to do, treat me right and I will be yours. I added pics of myself. Have more too if ya want. Text a pic to my phone if you can.

My sister told me to be careful meeting random people online. I want to be sure your safe. I just need to know you arent some crazy person. My sister sent me this youtube video and it scared me: Some guy murdered a couple girls he met online 🙁

I have 2 requests before we meet, hopefully this isnt asking too much. First, if we meet up I would be ok with going back to your place after or even mine but could you take me out to dinner, get drin ks something? I like to be treated nicely before doing anything sexual. It makes me feel specialand not like your using me just forsex and closer to you. You can pick the place. I promise I will make it worth it for you 🙂 I am a little tired of eating at home by myself every day and dont want to go out alone. It gets a little sad

The other thing is this. Please dont think Im weird or a loser for asking you this! I know it makes me a little lame but it would make me feel much better and my sister told me she uses it an all her friends. You need to go to my profile page and do the real quick verification on the right side. You dont have to pay or anything, it doesn’t cost anything if you do it through my page. I get to give out 1 freee verification a month through my page. All it does is check your info to make sure youre of age and not a registered sexoffender or wanted for anything serious. I also have some more pics of me on that page 🙂 Once your verified it will give you my phone number and you can text me a pic. Its ok if you cant send pics with your phone but it would be nice. Sorry for asking you to do that, I know its probably really annoying but I promise if only takes a few seconds and then you can text me. Im available to do something just almost everyday. I currently work at home making sales calls 🙂

Anyways heres the link:

Ill be waiting, im going to watch some tele but Ill have my phone on me. Im excited! Hehe. Oh an please dont share my toples picture with anyone I really dont want that to be posted anywhere on the internet, I just sent that for you only”

7th Email


“to be honest with you i’m excited and a bit worried at the same time.Ive had a bad experience meeting someone online about a year agomet the wrong guy basically.

Im willing to give this a shot with youIm in the mood for a sexy time just have to use my brain this time. Know what I mean?

I use a free service now on verified dating which is kind of like yahoo chat it verifies age and scans the sex offenders database before allowing someone to join. Im pretty sure its free to run the verification and this gives you access to my profile and their whole dating site. My cell number is on the profile so if you come up as safe you can give me a call when your inside.

I know it sounds kind of paranoid but if you do this verification for me that verified dating provides Ill know you are real and safe to meetup withI only work part-time so im around alot. I have nothing to gain by asking you this except it will make me feel safe, if you were a woman who has bee n through what I have youd know the feeling. If you have a webcam we can video chat too as they have that inside, but really I just wanna make sure you pass the checks. If you want I will get topless on my cam for you during our chat as a welcome gift. Would that make you feel welcome? lol. Ive been told I have very nice breasts alot of times.if that means anything.

Their verification page is

If you think Im just being paranoid or you come up as an offender then I am going to be left all disappointed. Oh and that site also proves my age as they verify everyone including women. I doubt you were worried about that its just a little friendly assurance that Im not jail bait as they say lol. Im in my twenties. Also Im getting real thirsty Im gonna make a blueberry smoothie will be away from the comp, but please give my cell a ring once youve been verified and your on my profile.

I attached a small gift for you that I just took today. oh and whats your number?

Sent from my iPhone”

8th Email


“ok ok! I have a small request. I want you to call or text me and to get my number just go to my profile. Here’s a direct link to my page 🙂

I’ve met a ton of great friends there, but no guys yet… And its free to verify. This way I know your real and also it just checks to make sure you dont have a criminal record ;), you know a woman can never be too careful. If you are serious im waiting for your call. It’s a very known and trusted site! Oh whats your favorite color? I have a little surprise for you”

9th Email


“I havent got any messages on my profile… Is something wrong? Can you please just sign up through the homepage?

That should work and then just search my name and you’ll see me, there’s only 2 other people with my name lol

okay? My member id is: 220457 maybe that helps.

🙂 Talk to you in a sec then. There’s a little webcam feature on the site, im putting on something cute just for you right after I send this email! Here’s a hint, its going to be your favorite color and it’s super tight 😉


Credit Card Charges You Get Billed

  1. $29.95 a month to
  2. $39.62 a month to
  3. $44.71 a month to

Owner Of

Name: Info is hidden
Phone: 425-274-0657
Address: Bellevue, WA 98007 USA

Where To File Complaints

  • Hosting company: Contact or call them at 1-866-964-2867.
  • Domain registrar: Contact or call 1 (425) 274-4500 to report the spam/fraud.

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