I got about 5 emails from “Celena Diaz” (not a real person) telling me to verify my age on CelenaDiaz.com. What regular girl has her own website “CelenaDiaz.com” to meet people? Right off the bat that is a huge red flag. If you are looking to date people would you create your own website just for this purpose? This is a classic CraigsList.org dating verification scam, it’s 100% bull. If you’re looking to meet real local girls, then visit these legit dating sites. Read the full report below.
Quick Info On The Scammer
- Name: Celena Diaz
- Email Addresses: me@celenadiaz.com
- Scam Site: CelenaDiaz.com. You get billed from IntensePornography.com, JustPorno.com and SexWetNWild.com.
1st Scam Email
From: me@celenadiaz.com
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com“Dear,
I already confirmed I am real I even uploaded a new pic to my profile! and it’s specific to you??? I won’t be doing anything else to prove I am real. I really want to meet but I have received alot of replies and your not my only choice. You sprarked my interest the most and that is why I decided to hook up with you! but if you cant do something as simple as verifying your age on a website then I probably should not meet you. Look I don’t like to get upset and I don’t want you to just run away I really do want to meet and have a good time, but I am not going to give you my number or do anything else until you are verified. I don’t understand why one dollar is going to ruin a perfectly good sexual encounter!
Stop Messing! Around! Baby! I know you want me! and I Want You TOO! Click Here (http://celenadiaz.com/index.php?n=) go to my profile and Call me.”
Credit Card Charges You Get Billed
- $39.62 a month to IntensePornography.com
- $39.99 a month to JustPorno.com
- $39.89 a month to SexWetNWild.com
Owner Of CelenaDiaz.com
- Name: WhoisGuard, Inc.
- Address: P.O. Box 0823-03411 Panama, Panama NA PA
- Phone +507.8365503
- Email: 2a2379b8386b44fda1f731c7258b39c2.protect@whoisguard.com
Where To File Complaints
- Hosting company: Contact ipadmin@websitewelcome.com or call 1-866-964-2867 to report abuse/spam.
- Domain registrar: Contact NameCheap.com, to report that you have been receiving spam.
- Report it to us: Send us any info you have on a scammer and we will post it!
Do You Want To Meet Real Women?
Try these honest and real dating sites to meet local ladies.
***This scam report is the property of TheDatingJudge.com, any use is forbidden unless authorized by the owner. If you see this report on another site please contact us at info@ thedatingjudge .com. The original article is located here.