I received a few emails telling me to visit a site called SuperSexyCupid.com which redirects people to ALocalMilf.com. I expose scams all day long so I know how they work, but you might not. First off, yes this site is a scam that tricks men into thinking they are going to meet a hot milf. And secondly the email is all lies, the photos are all copied form some porn and then used in emails to trick you into thinking that this girl (check photos below) is actually going to meet with you. All the spammers want you to do is sign up on ALocalMilf.com, that is there whole agenda! Read the spam report now.
Quick Info On The Scammer
- Name:
- Email Addresses:
- Scam Site: SuperSexyCupid.com and HotterThanTea.com redirect to ALocalMilf.com.
1st Scam Email
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com“Hey there. I’m a curious girl seeking some nsa fun but I’m having trouble finding a serious guy. So when can we get together? Before we get together could you do me a little favor and make sure that you’re indeed real and not dangerous? I think you would understand, this is dangerous for me and I’m nervous. Dont fret, it does not charge you anything. I put up all kinds of naughty photos and my address on my user profile too. We will exchange numbers over there to prove to you I’m real. I’ve got it here with me now so talk to you soon! 🙂
-Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S IV, and AT&T 4G LTE smartphone
(www. supersexycupid.com redirects to http://alocalmilf.com)”
2nd Email
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com“Hey there. I’m a curious girl seeking some nsa fun but I’m having trouble finding a serious guy. So when can we get together? Before we get together could you do me a little favor and make sure that you’re indeed real and not dangerous? I think you would understand, this is dangerous for me and I’m nervous. Dont fret, it does not charge you anything. I put up all kinds of naughty photos and my address on my user profile too. We will exchange numbers over there to prove to you I’m real. I’ve got it here with me now so talk to you soon! 🙂
-Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S IV, and AT&T 4G LTE smartphone
(www. hotterthantea.com redirects to http://alocalmilf.com)”
Owner Of SuperSexyCupid.com
- Name:
- Address: PMB 368, 14150 NE 20th St – F1 Bellevue WA 98007 USA
- Phone +4252740657
- Email: supersexycupid.com@protecteddomainservices.com
Where To File Complaints
- Hosting company: Contact abuse@softlayer.com or call 1-214-442-0605 to report abuse/spam.
- Domain registrar: Contact support@name.com or call 1-720-249-2374
- Report it to us: Send us any info you have on a scammer and we will post it!
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