I received a bunch of spam emails all with .info domain extension such as aphor.info, safedater.info, nsa-singles.com, Codequel.info, codecurve.info , bitcircle.info. I didn’t want to write a post about every single email and domain name so I included all of them in this scam report. All the links in the emails redirects to JustHookUp.com at some point. Yes the same spammer (Click-Cloud.info) is behind all of these emails and websites listed below. And for those of you that have emailed me that I am complaining about emails that have a way to unsubscribe on them, well I never asked for these emails in the 1st place, so it’s still spam!!! Read the full report below.
Quick Info On The Scammer
- Name: Riley, Hazel, Natasha, Nina, Lux, Abigail
- Email Addresses: Riley-j293YOBDXDY@aphor.info , Hazel-1BjbX7MZXD5@codequel.info , Natasha-67XljVBiWIm@codeorbit.info , Hayley-96QLZJm5SON@bitcircle.info , Riley-IBdBZiAM7aH@succin.info , Lux-H2WUHhANSlX@keepi.info , Abigail-hD58h66FC3h@adjun.info , Jazzmaine-6kEMbgZk132@bitquel.info
- Web Sites: aphor.info , safedater.info, nsa-singles.com, Codequel.info, http://www.justhookup.com/?tid=176706, http://codeorbit.info, click-cloud.info, http://nsa-singles.com/view/welcome.php?o= , codecurve.info , bitcircle.info, keepi.info, adjun.info, bitquel.info, eyef.info , chopi.info ,datacurve.info
1st Scam Email
From: Riley-j293YOBDXDY@aphor.info
Subject: wanna see my pics?
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com“heyy u still wanna hookup? msg me HERE (http://aphor.info/j293YOBDXDY.htm redirects to http://safedater.info/view/b/index.php) my screen name is xxhottie12 i just wanna talk before we meet ill send u my phone number there
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2nd Email
From: Hazel-1BjbX7MZXD5@codequel.info
Subject: meetup tonight?
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com“I’m so ready to meet you!! So you know, this is not my first time doing this. I have done it once before and the guy was awesome. We met up inside of a nice hotel and had great sex. Then we took off and then we never spoke again. Exactly the way I wanted it.I’m hoping that you are exactly the same way. 😉
I couldn’t get my pictures to upload 🙁 But you will not be dissapointed! If you like to make plans, give me a call or text me. If you want to see sexy pics of me and to get my number, click here to my profile page. Then you just have to verify you are not a serial killer. You don’t seem like one, but I can’t be too careful. When you get done, my cell phone number is right there. Either give me a call or send me a text message. Tonight night is best, but if you make good plans, i could meetup tomorrow too. 😉
I need to run out for with a girlfriend of mine, so i’ll be out for a few. Just give me a call so we can meet up.
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3rd Email
From: Natasha-67XljVBiWIm@codeorbit.info
Subject: hey im online come chat
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com“heyy u still around? if so send me a IM HERE my username is xx69hottzxx its free to messagee there i just wanna talk online before we meet up.
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4th Email
From: Riley-IBdBZiAM7aH@succin.info
Subject: hey im online come chat
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com“Hey,
Sorry I couldn’t write sooner. I guess you didn’t get my number off my profile or you aren’t interested? But if you still are, the best way to get together would be to give me a call.
I made a different profile and you can sign up in just a minute or so and you can get my number there. I think this might be a better option? .
My profile has my cell number and I figured we could talk on the phone first and if you are not a sleazeball haha, then we can meet up. At the very least, we could text. I put a couple recent pictures and video for you on this one, let me know what you think.
Can’t wait to hear from you
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5th Email
From: Hayley-96QLZJm5SON@bitcircle.info
Subject: hey im online come chat
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com“Hey its been a while since we talked. If you are still interested in hooking up we can chat a little more online. Make a free account HERE and message me on there. My user name is 69cutiexo. Hope to ttys! 🙂
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200 E. Chicago Avenue, Suite 140
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6th Email
From: Nina-E7Y1PfMSP6c@codecurve.info
Subject: where are you going tonight?
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com“you around? i wanna meet up but id just like to talk online first if you want message me here my screen name is xoseXy69xo. Go HERE because i wanna instant message you there before we meet we can talk a bit online
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7th Email
From: Lux-H2WUHhANSlX@keepi.info
Subject: on now
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com“you around? i wanna meet up but id just like to talk online first if you want message me here my screen name is xoseXy69xo. Go HERE because i wanna instant message you there before we meet we can talk a bit online
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8th Email
From: Abigail-hD58h66FC3h@adjun.info
Subject: i can do that 😉
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com“Hey babe, cant chat on this email right now, i should not have written you on here. My ex bf has access to my email and sometimes he tries to be all stalker-ish and read my stuff. I’d like to keep this discreet.
So, could you go to this free site (http://adjun.info/hD58h66FC3h.htm) and send me a message? I have a few pictures there and Im on there now so we can chat there.
PS don’t write me back here 😉 Use that site…remember discretion! 😉
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9th Email
From: KarlieElizabeth-h52CUFHKekV@chopi.info
Subject: hey im online come chat
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com“sry i didnt message you sooner got busy but im free now if u want to meet up. If so just message me on my profile HERE and just look up cutie69xo and u should find me easy. I have my number on there if u rather call or txt;)
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10th Email
From: Auburn-4Di2i7f2jKN@eyef.info
Subject: what’s holding you back?
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com“sI am so anxious to meet you!! So you know, this isn’t my first-time doing this. I did it once before and the guy was great. We met up inside of a nice hotel and fucked. Then we left and then we never talked again. Just the way I wanted it.I’m hoping that you are the same way. 😉
I couldn’t get my pics to load 🙁 I promise you won’t be dissapointed! If you’d like to make plans, call me or txt me. If you want to see sexy pics of me and to get my number, click here to my profile page. Then you just have to verify you are not a serial killer. You don’t seem like one, but I can’t be too careful. When you get done, my cell number is right there. Either call me or send me a text message. Tonight night is best, but if you make good plans, I can meet you tomorrow too. 😉
I’ve got to go out for with a girlfriend of mine, so I will be out for a few. Just call me so we can hook up.
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11th Email
From: Auburn-4Di2i7f2jKN@eyef.info
Subject: I want to have fun tonight
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com“Hi again,
So, first thing first I would really like to keep this quiet and I am looking for something long-term. My ex has been a total nut since we split awhile back. Can’t remember if I told you yet or not, but I’ve got a kid who is 4 yrs old. She will always be in bed by the time you come over.
I don’t have Skype since I am not on my computer much, so I thought we could stay in touch from a dating site I joined a long time ago, my profile is HERE (http://chopi.info/h52CUFHKekV.htm redirects to http://nsa-singles.com/view/welcome.php?o=). I put my cell number on my profile, so send me a text or call me and we can get together tonight or tomorrow. I’m getting off the comp for now, talk to you soon :).
I will be waiting for your text/call.
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12th Email
From: Mallory-dPOAMR6iP6f@datacurve.info
Subject: I want to have fun tonight
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com“Hey!! I don’t have any plans tonight so if u wanna meet up then that’d be perfect!! If your down message me on my profile HERE (http://datacurve.info/dPOAMR6iP6f.htm redirects to http://safedater.info) and we will go frm there!! Hope to talk to u soon Xoxo
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13th Email
From: Vivian-UIk4c0HiEIm@chopi.info
Subject: hey hun chat?
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com“Hi again,
So, first thing first I would really like to keep this secret and I am looking for something long-term. My ex bf has been a total nutjob since we broke up awhile back. Can’t remember if I told you yet or not, but I’ve got a kid who is 3 years old. She will always be in bed by the time you come over.
I don’t have AIM since I’m not on my computer much, so I thought we could stay in touch from a dating site I joined a long time ago, my profile is HERE (http://chopi.info/UIk4c0HiEIm.htm redirects to http://www.untrue.com/?ainfo=MjkxOTJ8MTY0fDIwNTk). I put my cell number on my profile, so send me a text or call me and we can get together tonight or tomorrow. I’m getting off the comp for now, talk to you soon :).
I’ll be waiting for your text/call.
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13th Email
From: Ava-MWEN9fEHeW8@adjun.info
Subject: let’s do it – this weekend
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com“Hi again,
So, first thing first I would really like to keep this quiet and I am looking for something long-term. My ex has been a total nut since we split a bit ago. Can’t remember if I told you yet or not, but I have a kid who is 3 years old. She will always be sleeping by the time you come over.
I don’t have any messengers or anything since I’m not on my computer much, so I thought we could stay in touch from a dating site I joined a long time ago, my profile is HERE (http://adjun.info/MWEN9fEHeW8.htm redirects to http://nsa-singles.com). I put my cell number on my profile, so send me a txt or call me and we can get together tonight or tomorrow. I’m getting off the comp for now, talk to you soon :).
I will be waiting for your text/call.”
14th Email
From: Madison-6JBYj6Bi3XQ@wilhou.info
Subject: come chat with me
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com“Hey hun, cant chat on this email right now, i shouldn’t have written you on here. My ex has access to my maill and sometimes he tries to be all stalker-ish and read my emails. id like to keep this discreet.
So, could you go to this free site (http://wilhou.info/6JBYj6Bi3XQ.htm redirects to http://nsa-singles.com/view/welcome.php?o=) and send me a msg? I have a few pictures on there and I’m on there now so we can chat there.
PS do not email me back here 😉 Use that site…remember discretion! ;)”
15th Email
From: Amber-VKkeiZlhKN9@eyef.info
Subject: heya
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com“I am so ready to have sex with you!! Just so you know, this is not my very first time doing this. I have done it once before and the guy was great. We met up at a nice hotel and had great sex. Then we took off and we never spoke again. Exactly the way I wanted it.I’m hoping that you’re the same way. 😉
I could not get my pictures to load 🙁 I promise you won’t be dissapointed! If you like to make plans, call me or txt me. If you want to see sexy pics of me and to get my number, go here (http://eyef.info/VKkeiZlhKN9.htm redirects to http://nsa-singles.com/) to my profile page. Then you just have to verify you aren’t a serial killer. You don’t seem like one, although I can’t be too careful. When you get done, my cell phone number is right there. Either give me a call or send me a text message. Tonight night is best, but if you make good plans, i could meetup tomorrow too. 😉
I must go out for with a girlfriend of mine, so I will be out for a few. Just give me a call so that we can hook up.”
16th Email
From: Makenzie-dULfamRRj5a@gisall.info
Subject: heya
To: myemailaddress@gmail.com“I am so ready to do this!! So you know, this is not my first time doing this. I did it once before and the guy was awesome. We met up at a nice hotel and fucked. Then we left and then we never spoke again. Exactly the way I wanted it.I’m hoping that you are exactly the same way. 😉
I couldn’t get my pics to upload 🙁 I promise you won’t be dissapointed! If you would like make plans, give me a call or txt me. If you want to see sexy pics of me and to get my number, go here (http://gisall.info/dULfamRRj5a.htm redirects to http://nsa-singles.com) to my profile page. From there you just have to verify you are not a serial killer. You don’t seem like one, although I can’t be too careful. When you get done, my cell phone number is right there. Either call me or send me a txt me. Tonight night is best, but if you make good plans, i could meet up tomorrow too. 😉
I’ve got to run out for with a girlfriend of mine, so i’ll be out for a few. Just call me so that we can meet up.”
Owner Of Click-cloud.info
Name: Jason Wenrich
Phone: 1-303-699-1824
Address: 2361 aspen dr Denver, Colorado 80205
Email: jason.m.wenrich@gmail.com
Where To File Complaints
- Domain Registrar: Contact Godaddy.com or call 480-624-2505 to report this domain for spam.
- Hosting company: Contact Godaddy.com or call 480-624-2505 to report this domain for spam.
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