Is A CraigsList Scam

Is “Kristen Brown” a real girl? No, she is a fake female persona that has been made up by online scammers to deceive you into thinking you are receiving emails from a girl. The real truth is that there is no girl, it is all a scam to get you to enter your credit card info on Once your card info is entered on the site you end up getting billed from 3 porn sites,, and Read the full spam report below.

Quick Info On The Scammer

  • Name: Kristen Brown, Emma Emily, Jessica Pierce, Ashli Laura, Emily Brown
  • Email Addresses:,,,,,,,,,, (Report Spam To GMail)
  • Scam Site: A form is loaded from You get billed from the following sites (Premier Passport), and

1st Scam Email



I already confirmed I am real. Even I uploaded my a new picture to my profile and it’s specific to you. I won’t be doing anything else to prove I am real. I really want to meet but I have received a lot of replies and you’re not my only choice. You sparked my interest the most and that is why I decided to hook up with you! But, if you can’t do something as simple as verifying your age on a website then I probably shouldn’t meet with you. Look, I don’t like to get upset and I don’t want you to just run away. I really do want to meet and have a good time, but I am not going to give you my number or do anything else until you are verified. I do not understand why a verification steps is going to ruin a perfectly good sexual encounter

Stop messing! Around! Baby! I know you want me! and I want you too! So Click Here to go my Profile and Call me.

2nd Email



I dont want to waste either of our time so if youre interested in hooking up . all details are discussed over the phone. if youre serious about meeting go to my site Here and collect my number , once you do call me at the phone number in the confirmation email. i will not meet otherwise, this is for my safety.

i don’t really check my email often so just call or text me once you get my phone number. Its a free site and doesn’t take long.The last guy i met from cl used it and they never charged his card or anything

talk to you soon im Sooo Soooo Horny so call me Friday Don’t worry its a free site…”


Emma Emily

Sent from my HTC OneT X, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone”

3rd Email


“Hi !

I’m Laura Walsh. Are you interested to meet me.when do you wanna meet up? I have no plans tonight or tomorrow so ill be free to try something new, ill let you decide where we go. I’m already bored with all the emails I’m getting I just wanna make this plan a reality so I can finally say i did something. Im hoping that we can go and meet for a drink or something and then come back to my place or yours i don’t care, there is just one thing i ask for, i don’t trust craigslist, i would rather we use instead since they screen their members and make sure they aren’t offenders or anything crazy like that. once you sign up message me your number so I can call you, my username is laura786fun, look me up.NO NEED CARD INFO. just so you know i’m not looking for you to bring me gifts or anything I’m totally fine.just need someone who can pull my hair back and make my toes curl lol. be expecting my call i don’t bother with texting, im getting out of work early tonight.


4th Email


“I’m franckly very tired of reading now. I’ve already made up my mind on the matter I want to meet you and suck you off but if you cant do something that takes 30 seconds why in the world would I want to meet? If you are serious about getting together then call me after you have sign up or text me I dont get it it only requires your email??? and it’s very Private no Excuses. If you forgot the page : …My user name is “Nancy Perez’’

The reason they ask for a credit card is to verify your age but they won’t ever charge you, I have been here for over a year and I haven’t been charged once. Go I’m waiting….”

5th Email


“Hey, I’m basically looking for some no strings type thing..Nothing longterm…just fun. The question is …are you real? I’ve been getting all kinds of emails from fake guys. I know the usual things guys ask so NO I’m not fake or a bot or a cam site and YES I am real, local, and very very horny, I have big tits and I like getting my pus$y eaten and anal. I love sucking guys off and my favorite position is doggie. What do you like to do? But you need to verify first then meet with me.To get the age verification page Click Here View My Profile & Simply Free Sign Up there and Found me by search my user name jessicapierce. You’ll be able to perform that Free. Your Registration notification go to my phone so ill be able to respond quickly.Waiting for you baby!”

6th Email



I dont want to waste either of our time so if youre interested in hooking up . all details are discussed over the phone. if youre serious about meeting go to my site Here and collect my number , once you do call me at the phone number in the confirmation email. i will not meet otherwise, this is for my safety.

i don’t really check my email often so just call or text me once you get my phone number. Its a free site and doesn’t take long.The last guy i met from cl used it and they never charged his card or anything talk to you soon im Sooo Soooo Horny so call me Friday Don’t worry its a free site…



7th Email


“Listen I am having several tough days and really need some fun…

If you wana meet me then please go to & prove you as a verified person.

Sorry to make your work too hard, but you know I have to look out my safety. Hope you can understand. But I really like to meet new people & have fun with them..

Sent from my iPhone”

8th Email


To be honest with you, I am feeling both excited and a bit worried at the very same time. I’ve had an awful experience meeting someone online roughly a year ago. I met the wrong guy basically. I am willing to give this a shot with you. I am in the mood for a sexy time just have to use my brain this time. Know what I am saying?
I made my personal website which is kind of like Yahoo Talk, It confirms age and scans the sex offenders database before permitting someone to join. if you pass the screening then you can access to my full profile, cell phone number and contact information too. So, If you comes up as safe you can contact me anytime.
I know it sounds kind of paranoid but if you do this check for me that my personal website provides I am going to know you are real and safe to meetup with.
I only work part-time. So, I am around a lot. I have nothing to gain by asking you this except it will make me feel safe.
If you have got a Webcam we can video chat too as they have that on the site, but really I just wanna make sure you pass the verification. If you want I am going to get topless on my cam for you during our talk as a welcome gift. Would that make you feel Welcome? Lol. I’ve been told, I have extremely nice fun-bags a lot of times and photos do not do them justice, If that implies anything.
To get the verification page just Click Here

9th Email


“Hi honey! My name is Emily Brown. I’m a business lady.

Unfortunately I spend most of my time working and have absolutely no time for my private life.

My collegues at a coffee brake gave me the site where I can find a person with whom I can date without any obligations.

I found your profile in Facebook and I consider you very attractive.

I just need a nice guy to spend a few hot weekends with.

Any offers are welcomed and money is not an object.

You can find my profile here:

Add my skype id lonelyangel840

Hope for a pleasant acquaintance,


10th Email


“hi baby.

need sex. I am disease free. can host. hit me up now. horny. looking
for nsa tonight. mail me asap :

“need sex” on subject line

Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S™ II Skyrocket™, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone.”

11th Email


“hey got ur email, heres my info for ya!!! hope you like it all!

my services are gfe, pse, fs and massage.. i like trying new things too J ill attach a pic as well.

Heres all my rates. . . they apply to any services desired!

Times! Incall Outcall

Half hour $50 $75

HOURLY $150 $175

2 HOURS $275 $325

3-5 HOURS $125/hr $150/hr

if you want im avail alot lately, once you verify yourself at my agency’s site its free to verify and i just wanna make sure youre not a cop and over 18.

call me at in the confirmation email, you can email me back but it might take me a while to get to respond to you so its easier if you just call or text me.

hope to talk to ya soon!!”

Credit Card Charges You Get Billed

  1. You get billed $39.95 a month from (Premier Passport) until you cancel.
  2. You get billed $29.95 a month from until you cancel.
  3. You get billed $49.95 a month from until you cancel.

Owner Of

  • Name:
  • Address: 3 Nobby Beach QLD 4218 AU
  • Phone +45.36946676
  • Email:

Where To File Complaints

  • Hosting company: Contact or call 31 20 535 4444 to report abuse/spam.
  • Domain registrar: Contact Internet.BS.

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  1. Latest scammer rosetta silva

    Well it sure feels good to hear back from you again i guess you aren’t
    just a keyboard warrior lol 🙂 Lots of guys on Classified are nothing
    but talk it seems….they probably all live at home with their parents
    lol. I guess you really are serious hey?

    so when you wanna meet up? I have no plans we can do this whenever you
    want even right now cause Im just watching episodes of that show
    breaking bad….love this show its so crazy I’m in season 5 right now
    things are getting intense.

    Anyways I have to tell you at first I really was kinda worried about
    posting on Classified cause I had a scary experience a year ago
    meeting someone from personals (I had to call for help he was crazy)
    so just to be on the safe side I’d like you to do a quick verify on
    this page:

    They protect members and keep out offenders and people with
    felonies….it does cost a dollar but thats it for the verification
    and as long as you’re not in their database you’re getting my number
    and calling me now. Have you seen this before? Its been featured on
    the news many times. 🙂 I just need you to do this for my peace of
    mind the first time considering the kinds of guys who might be on
    Classified ….I learned that the hard way.

    I’m gonna wait for you to call or text… you’ll have to use the link
    above to get it – thats all I need to know you can be trusted. I
    really hope you aren’t just talk and follow through cause I’ve been
    excited about trying out a friend with benefits. Just keep it real
    with me and don’t get clingy k.

    Long Blonde hair nice tits

  2. hi there thanks so much for this website. and to james too. I just had a mail from rossetta silva too:

    Well it sure feels good to hear back from you again i guess you aren’t
    just a keyboard warrior lol 🙂 Lots of guys on Classified are nothing
    but talk it seems….they probably all live at home with their parents
    lol. I guess you really are serious hey?

    so when you wanna meet up? I have no plans we can do this whenever you
    want even right now cause Im just watching episodes of that show
    breaking bad….love this show its so crazy I’m in season 5 right now
    things are getting intense.

    Anyways I have to tell you at first I really was kinda worried about
    posting on Classified cause I had a scary experience a year ago
    meeting someone from personals (I had to call for help he was crazy)
    so just to be on the safe side I’d like you to do a quick verify on
    this page:

    They protect members and keep out offenders and people with
    felonies….it does cost a dollar but thats it for the verification
    and as long as you’re not in their database you’re getting my number
    and calling me now. Have you seen this before? Its been featured on
    the news many times. 🙂 I just need you to do this for my peace of
    mind the first time considering the kinds of guys who might be on
    Classified ….I learned that the hard way.

    I’m gonna wait for you to call or text… you’ll have to use the link
    above to get it – thats all I need to know you can be trusted. I
    really hope you aren’t just talk and follow through cause I’ve been
    excited about trying out a friend with benefits. Just keep it real
    with me and don’t get clingy k.

    Same message lol

  3. Hi!

    I dont fucking know how they got my card but something from adultprofilefinder just got to my mail and i think im gonna be charged.

    How do i stop this. Please help!

  4. same website. i am in southafrica and they are using the backpage site to do the same scam. This time the girl’s alleged name is Emily Brown from ZDurban. Why would any self respecting girl send a picture of her genitals to a complete stranger? the answer. She is not a real girl but a stolen picture of a pron model being used to dupe people out of their money. GUYS do not fall pray to these EVIL men

    1. My brother, I just got the same email. Thanks God I went to Google first

      I miss sex a lot
      Rosetta Emily – 12:16 am 4 – Attachments
      to freemz111
      Well it sure feels good to hear back from you again i guess you
      just a keyboard warrior lol 🙂 Lots of guys on Classified are
      but talk it seems….they probably all live at home with their
      lol. I guess you really are serious hey?
      so when you wanna meet up? I have no plans we can do this
      whenever you
      want even right now cause Im just watching episodes of that
      breaking bad….love this show its so crazy I’m in season 5 right
      things are getting intense.
      Anyways I have to tell you at first I really was kinda worried
      posting on Classified cause I had a scary experience a year
      meeting someone from personals (I had to call for help he
      was crazy)
      so just to be on the safe side I’d like you to do a quick verify
      this page-
      They protect members and keep out offenders and people
      felonies….it does cost a dollar but thats it for the verification
      and as long as you’re not in their database you’re getting my
      and calling me now. Have you seen this before? Its been
      featured on
      the news many times. 🙂 I just need you to do this for my
      peace of
      mind the first time considering the kinds of guys who might be
      Classified ….I learned that the hard way.
      I’m gonna wait for you to call or text… you’ll have to use the
      above to get it – thats all I need to know you can be trusted. I
      really hope you aren’t just talk and follow through cause I’ve
      excited about trying out a friend with benefits. Just keep it real
      with me and don’t get clingy k.

  5. Guys be carefully

    I miss sex a lot
    Rosetta Emily – 12:16 am 4 – Attachments
    to freemz111
    Well it sure feels good to hear back from you again i guess you
    just a keyboard warrior lol 🙂 Lots of guys on Classified are
    but talk it seems….they probably all live at home with their
    lol. I guess you really are serious hey?
    so when you wanna meet up? I have no plans we can do this
    whenever you
    want even right now cause Im just watching episodes of that
    breaking bad….love this show its so crazy I’m in season 5 right
    things are getting intense.
    Anyways I have to tell you at first I really was kinda worried
    posting on Classified cause I had a scary experience a year
    meeting someone from personals (I had to call for help he
    was crazy)
    so just to be on the safe side I’d like you to do a quick verify
    this page-
    They protect members and keep out offenders and people
    felonies….it does cost a dollar but thats it for the verification
    and as long as you’re not in their database you’re getting my
    and calling me now. Have you seen this before? Its been
    featured on
    the news many times. 🙂 I just need you to do this for my
    peace of
    mind the first time considering the kinds of guys who might be
    Classified ….I learned that the hard way.
    I’m gonna wait for you to call or text… you’ll have to use the
    above to get it – thats all I need to know you can be trusted. I
    really hope you aren’t just talk and follow through cause I’ve
    excited about trying out a friend with benefits. Just keep it real
    with me and don’t get clingy k.

    1. Confirms that is fake… or she’s just sending the same emails to all of us, which is kinda fucked hahaha…

      Well it sure feels good
      to hear back from you again i guess you aren’t
      just a keyboard warrior lol 🙂 Lots of guys on
      Classified are nothing
      but talk it
      seems….they probably all live at home with their
      lol. I guess you really are serious
      hey?so when you wanna meet up? I
      have no
      plans we can do this whenever you want even right now cause
      just watching episodes of that show
      breaking bad….love this show its so crazy
      I’m in season 5 right now
      things are
      getting intense.

      Anyways I
      have to tell you at first I really was kinda worried
      posting on Classified cause I had a
      scary experience a year ago
      meeting someone
      from personals (I had to call for help he was crazy)
      so just to be on the safe side I’d like you
      to do a quick verify on
      this page:

      They protect members and keep
      out offenders and people with
      does cost a dollar but thats it for the verification
      and as long as you’re not in their database
      you’re getting my number
      and calling me
      now. Have you seen this before? Its been featured on
      the news many times. 🙂 I just need you to do
      this for my peace of
      mind the first time
      considering the kinds of guys who might be on
      Classified ….I learned that the hard way.

      I’m gonna wait for you to
      call or text… you’ll have to use the link
      above to get it – thats all I need to know you
      can be trusted. I
      really hope you aren’t
      just talk and follow through cause I’ve been
      excited about trying out a friend with
      benefits. Just keep it real
      with me and
      don’t get clingy….

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