& Jenny Are Trying To Scam Me! is running the infamous “dating verification” scam that has plagued CraigsList for years now. “Jenny” is behind today’s scam and she is trying to convince me register on her “free service”. In fact nothing about is free because you end up getting billed $38.98 to a site called . The whole thing is a scam , stay far away from it. Read the full report below.

Quick Info On The Scammer

  • Name: Jenny, Katie, Kelly
  • Email Address:,,,,,
  • Scam Sites: loads a registration form from . You get billed from

1st Scam Email

Subject: Re: !!!!!! First come First serve !!!!!! – w4m – (portland).

“Hi there.

Thanks for your reply, I want to tell you just a little about
myself now, My name is Jenny, I am not a playboy model or anything
but I am extremely open minded and consider myself appealing..

I attached a pic, I hope you like it .. I drink occasionally,
I never smoke..attempting to keep fit. I am always up for
getting crazy and trying new things. I am not a slut but not hung up
on how others perceive me, I’m just searching for some long-term hook
up kind of thing.

Well Im rambling, wanna hear some more about you and pics please

Let me know if your still interested.


2nd Email

Subject: Re: !!!!!! First come First serve !!!!!! – w4m – (portland).

“Sounds like this will work

to be honest with you Im feeling both excited and a bit worried
at the same time…I’ve had a bad experience meeting someone
online about a month ago. Drama!

I’m willing to give this a shot with you…I’m in the mood for
some fun just have to use my brain this time. Know what I mean?

I use a free service now ( redirects to which is kind of
like facebook for adults. I like to use this because it lets you
call or text me without me giving out my real #. I don’t know you
all that well so this is much better for me.

Some dude a month ago text messaged me like 100 times in one day
and was saying some really scary stuff. I’m sure your not like
that but I hope you can do this for me to make me feel safe.

Ok I am getting off the computer and gonna jump in the shower. I know
its only Monday but I am really in the mood for some fun.


2nd Email



Thanks for replying my name is Katie. Im serious about this

and wont waste your time as long as im safe and were safe.

Let me know what you think and we can hook up.


3rd Email


“Ive been hoping you would write me back since you’re

the only decent response that seems real. If this works

out between us we can meet more then one time…

just make sure you always bring protection cause I just

wanna have sex and relieve stress I don’t wanna start a

family here lol. when can you meet me? I’m already bored

with all the emails I’m getting I just wanna make this

plan a reality.

You can cum over here tonight if you want I don’t have

plans….just watching this funny show on netflix at the

moment. Its called running wilde.

Anyways I have to admit that I was hesitant to use

craigslit cause I had a scary experience a few years

ago meeting someone from personals (I had to run away

from him!!) so I’d like you to get my number from my

profile here ( redirects to

They screen members and keep out dangerous people….

as long as you’re not a convict or offender they give

you my number on the spot. If you were a woman you

would probably use the same thing……actually last night

even I saw on the news female realtors are starting

to use this same type of screening just to be safe.

I’m gonna pause netflix and go take a bath…..I will

have my cell beside the tub I hope you pass the

screening and call me. Its not complicated I know

you can do it for me. Once they give you my number

you shouldn’t bother texting just call me directly

and cum over here! And don’t forget to bring

condoms seriously.


4th Email


Ive been hoping you would write me back since you’re

the only decent response that seems real. If this works

out between us we can meet more then one time…

just make sure you always bring protection cause I just

wanna have sex and relieve stress I don’t wanna start a

family here lol. when can you meet me? I’m already bored

with all the emails I’m getting I just wanna make this

plan a reality.

You can cum over here tonight if you want I don’t have

plans….just watching this funny show on netflix at the

moment. Its called running wilde.

Anyways I have to admit that I was hesitant to use

craigslit cause I had a scary experience a few years

ago meeting someone from personals (I had to run away

from him!!) so I’d like you to get my number from my

profile here

They screen members and keep out dangerous people….

as long as you’re not a convict or offender they give

you my number on the spot. If you were a woman you

would probably use the same thing……actually last night

even I saw on the news female realtors are starting

to use this same type of screening just to be safe.


I’m gonna pause netflix and go take a bath…..I will

have my cell beside the tub I hope you pass the

screening and call me. Its not complicated I know

you can do it for me. Once they give you my number

you shouldn’t bother texting just call me directly

and cum over here! And don’t forget to bring

condoms seriously.


5th Email


“”Ive been hoping you would write me back since you’re the only decent response that seems real. If this works out between us we can meet more then one time… just make sure you always bring protection cause I just wanna have sex and relieve stress I don’t wanna start a family here lol. when can you meet me? I’m already bored with all the emails I’m getting I just wanna make this plan a reality. You can cum over here tonight if you want I don’t have plans….just watching this funny show on netflix at the moment. Its called running wilde. Anyways I have to admit that I was hesitant to use craigslit cause I had a scary experience a few years ago meeting someone from personals (I had to run away from him!!) so I’d like you to get my number from my profile here They screen members and keep out dangerous people…. as long as you’re not a convict or offender they give you my number on the spot. If you were a woman you would probably use the same thing……actually last night even I saw on the news female realtors are starting to use this same type of screening just to be safe. I’m gonna pause netflix and go take a bath…..I will have my cell beside the tub I hope you pass the screening and call me. Its not complicated I know you can do it for me. Once they give you my number you shouldn’t bother texting just call me directly and cum over here! And don’t forget to bring condoms seriously. Kelly”

Safe Date Connect

6th Email


“Hey dude I think I got the right person? Did you reply to my cl ad

earlier? Well fuck it anyways Im looking to party so if you can pick

me up I’m all yours. Message me on my profile and ill give you my

adress or text whatever.

( redirects to


Credit Card Charges You Get Billed

  1. $38.68 a month to .

Owner Of

  • Name: All info is hidden
  • Phone: All info is hidden
  • Address: All info is hidden
  • Email: All info is hidden

Where To File Complaints

Do You Want To Meet Real Local Women?

It’s tough to meet real women on CraigsList, why not meet real women on real dating sites, right here.


    1. Got same emails and pictures here; sounded to convincing to be real. Glad I checked reviews on the because I saw the same pic of the young lady with the ‘Scammer’ on it.

      Thank you very much!!

  1. Thank you so much for this. I found an add on craigslists and replied. “She” messaged me back and send the picture. I replied and I got a reply back. It had the link to safedateconnect, but I became skeptical and decided that I needed to look up the website. This was the first page I found and had the same pic that was send to me but with scam written on there. I’m really glad I found this page, because I was somewhat convinced at first.

    1. Glad I checked also, I found her on Craigslist as you did also. I thought it was strange when she first said she was serious as she said, even though on her ad it said she wanted to chat on yahoo first, and she wasn’t answering my emails directly. Makes sense now.

  2. I just got that the other day actually, same pic, but now it is calling itself ‘val’ and it keeps using different email addresses. Definitely adamant about wanting to use condoms lmao. I already knew it was all just a rouse, so now I’m just playing games. If it responses again I’m gonna tell it I’m into dogs, cats, goats, dead bodies, kids, turtles, anything that moves haha.

  3. I got the following email after replying to a “Lisa”: Hey 🙂

    Thanks for replying to my ad the other day. I got soooo many responses. I kind of just said fuck it and didnt reply back to anyone. But now Im horny again lol and I read your email and this could be fun. Email me back sorry Im sooo late I promise I will make it up to you 🙂


    I replied and got this email:

    Glad to hear you’re real. Damn, now you got me all excited!

    Would you like to meet up for a drink? I am sure we can find something fun to do after.

    I really hope to get things going. I guess the best way to make plans is to give me a call sometime today so we can at least hear each other voices on the phone.

    You can find my cell on, so get hold of if you are serious in meeting me.

    I signed up and became verified last week, it was quick and easy. Its totally free (otherwise I wouldnt have sign up myself) and I think that it is the best way to ensure that both of us are adults. I am not interested meeting kids.

    I know you’ve already talked about yourself a little bit, but i cant trust all of it because thats what happened last time when I met this 15 years old online.

    I totally freaked out. I hope you arent him. There are just too many things happening online these day so I just need to be very careful while looking for fun as well. I hope you understand.

    I took more pics for you… I hope you like them. Please dont show it to anyone, keep it to yourself

    Text or call me after. I hope to see you soon.

    I click the link and discover they want me to pay. Just be wary of!

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